Ankul Barar

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New Delhi, Delhi, India
Dr. ANKUL BARAR It was 14 when I discovered that I am a born psychic and I found myself on the path of Tarot. I started with the Universal pack of Cards "The Rider-Waite Cards". Since then it has been six years that I have been into Tarot Card Readings and relating Occults like Numerology, Reiki, Color Therapy, Gemology and etc.. Later in 2008 I learned Reiki from The Grand Master Shikha Gupta, A Friends and a support in the journey of Mystic and now I am a healer too and a learner each day.

How predictive can Tarot be??

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A lot of people are confused about a fact that how can few cards can predict future or tell about their personality; tell there positives and negatives just by the choice of cards they make at a specific moment.

Another query that a lot of people have about tarot cards is that how can they be so logical as every other time a person will pick some other card then "how can it be accurate and exactly the same to what you predict in the last session"

Here is the answer to it - Tarot Deck is a pack of 78 cards and every individual card have at least over thousand or even more meanings at times, how it works is that when ever a person picks cards for a session then those cards formulates a unique pattern which will again and again tell the same prediction as it was done earlier.

The accuracy of tarot cards depends on how the enquirer forms his/her question , For Example: "Will I get Married?" and "Will I get married in coming two years?" In these questions, the latter one will be more precisely answered rather than former one.

Tarot cards are a great medium to know about yourself as it deals with past, present and future and at the same time and tells you where your actions or karmas are leading you.

Know What you are eating..

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What ever people eat nowadays in restaurants is a highly moderated form of the authentic dish. Authenticity of food in India is lost and it's really painful to see that because the richness of the Indian cuisine can not be found in any other cuisine. The sole reason of these manipulations was time and enhancement of the flavor of the food. As this practice is being followed by chefs or cooks (halwais) without any set standards, the authenticity of the dish started deteriorated. Many people don't even know the traditional way of cooking some dishes. 

 For example: Dal Makhani, which is usually a casual and obvious choice in any restraurant, takes 8 - 12 hours to get prepared. It's earlier way for preparation was on a earthen griller (Tandoor). Another example is of shahi paneer, which has to be in white gravy authentically but usually chefs prepare it in Red gravy based on tomato where as shahi paneer is all based on milk products and few shahi and rich Ingredients such as Khus Kus and Cashew Paste. These are some basic facts not known by common crowd. As a part of hospitality sector, the most dominant business creating sector, I felt that that the youth should be aware of these basic and elementary knowledge about what they are actually eating and what they really deserve to eat. To share on this knowledge I will be regularly updating recipes, which are authentic to the core but are not followed as they should be and adding up the variation to save the time and not the flavor and authenticity. So anyone who really feels that he deserves to eat real, be in touch with my posts

Healing by Energies Around.

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At times when we feel low or a bit left out we feel to be with our self but at that moment a friend of our's comes over and starts talking to us then initially we try to ignore the fact that we are upset and slowly as he/she talks starts getting deeper than after a while we forget that we were feeling of depression somewhere deep inside.

It happens either unconsciously or rather consciously but it does happen. And a similar kind of effect a healing therapy gives when it takes place on us.

What happens actually is when this friend approaches you all the enthusiastic and vibrant energies of his surrounds you and your actual phase of negativity gets overshadowed by his/her sparkling energies. It might not be constant but it surely helps you in getting over the dark side of life.

I strongly feel that it is natural form of healing but it is only momentous because after a while when that source of energy leaves your AURA it throws you back on the same square where you started and even at times people just throw themselves back on the phase where they were. As it's real easy to do so , melancholic songs , depressing photo arts, dark poetry all expressions of sadness around may be a form of sharing or throwing away the pain inside but what it actually do is make you feel that pain more and more when ever you look around that material .

Throwing away the obstacles is the first thing person should do to terminate all the factors which act as a barrier to look beyond the valley of depression prevailing in that person. This principle is also the core concept of every varied form of healing around.

So next time you go for a healing session do keep it mind that elementary healer can be initiated by you.

Holistic Figures Did Reiki?

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I was at the cathedral church of New Delhi which is in Gole market at the Christmas eve', there I saw movie on this movie which was being played by the church authority on the Projector to let people know the life path of JESUS CHRIST, it was a biographical movie which was extremely impressive and deeply influential to me, as to imagine THE GOD'S exist on the this earth and still having traces of it which was way more different and unique from Mythologies of other Religions.
One thing which was eye halting in the movie was the moment when The Christ healed a small boy in the villlage who accidently had poisoness food and all Christ did to him was "Closed Your Eyes" touched him on his chest and "You are Alright , feel" Thays all he said.

Click !!! The next moment the boy got up and figured out that he was perfectly alright .

This was quite amazing to see and at the same time it was confusing as I could not figure out how could this be possible.

A similar kind of reference of this event is even found in the Indian Mythology in the form of SRI SAI BABA. He also practiced a similar kind of healing , either it was miracle or either it was something else but it was confusing for sure.

Later after this event I heard a divine healing therapy called REIKI. It was very much close to what I saw on that LCD screen.

It was a form of healing having its traces to monk Mikao Usui and Japan it had symbols which where worked upon to heal people and it was even possible to heal people from distance. That was also similar to what these holistic figures did. Their action of blessing humans from far was as just what Reiki channels do.

So did Holistic Figures like Christ and Sai Baba knew Reiki is this form of healing is from there??? Reiki masters have no dominant evidences to it. It is still questionable and I am very curious about what is really behind this curtain and till now I have no answer to it but in future I really hope to find an answer to it.

Street took over Showrooms..

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It was a Sunday and I was hanging around with my friends in CP and all of a sudden or conversation shifted from usual gossips to novels and young writers. So one of the friends from our group (Vishal) just injected this thought in our head that we had to read "The White Tiger" The booker prize winner book by Aravind Adiga.

So all of us (5 in number) headed towards this book store in Janpath named Delhi Book Store near a rabbit house which at times can attract you more than the pretty girls around in that area.

So we walked in the store and there was a whole shelf just booked with "The Book" we were searching for, it had all the publicity banners around the shelf " the booker winner" and blah blah....

We picked the book and straight away went to the payment counter and there we realized that the book was of Rs. 395 (which quite close to my subject book) but money was not a concern then , curiosity was.

There we were with "The White Tiger" in our hand and walking pass the street we saw a shop having banners having labels on his entrance " Novels starting From Rs.25".

Curiosity was already in our heads so we all entered the shop which was not even 6x6 ft. in length and breath but had a large collection of books and the best part of the deal was all of them were sold on cheaper prices than their printed prices.

We were just having run eyes over the books, when we found that though the books sold in that shop were second or even third hand but they were all in readable condition and included collection of all the who's who writers such as Chetan Bhagat, Salman Rushdie, Neale Donald Walsh, all were there.

Another great thing some books were 5 times cheaper than their original rates. The owner of the shop was an old aged man (looking like a skeikh miya) who even offered bargain to novels as they were some left out tomatoes and another feature to his deal was that 80% of the money was returned to the buyer if the person returns the book after reading.( But who return's books after reading, Do they??)

Now the important part, we tried to fix a deal over "the book" and it came out that in 60-90 rupees we could have owned the book that made us paid Rs.395.

So now what I think as soon I find a catchy book a store , I say this to my self,

"Do I Buy This , Or Go Over To Janpath???"

Astrology - The Other Side That You Must Know

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Nowadays I come across a lot of people who are just so furious with the people who are practicing astrology or other occult sciences. The common reason I think of those people being agitated is because they believe that all the astrologers are fooling around with their gimmicks. Is that the truth? I would say no, but I do agree that people have become manipulative and mean enough to keep their personal benefits into consideration before they help others.

Astrology is not all about predicting what is the up next in future rather its a tool can help you choosing your life path and letting you know that what you have to do when you are stuck on a crossroad. What practioners forget is our destiny is different from our luck. Destiny has been always ruled by the action of free-will whereas luck is something you just get as a gift from the almighty. Why people actually visit astrologers is not because they want to know what is in their future rather they are more curious to see that what will be the result of their actions that they have taken or are about to take.

Astrologers just don't predict for you, in fact they also bring you in front of your own mirror and make you look at your actions and intentions. They show you what you have done, what is on your mind and what you can you do and at the same time as a cherry on the cake they tell you what will be the effect, consequence and result of the actions.

How accurate is it? That is the most common and randomly asked question to astrologers and the answer to it is 75%-80% but for that the astrologer has to have a great calculation and at the same time he needs to put his intuitive thoughts at work and if the inquirer wants the predicted thing should come out to be true then he/she must do things according to what they have been advised to do.

Do remedies work this is also one question which has been debated a lot amongst the cult of astrologers but the only answer to it what I can give is, It cannot change what has happened or what is being going on but yes surely it prepares you incautiously for the unseen and can also give emotional and mental power to fight out those tough circumstances.

So after knowing all these things I think the frustration or protest that people have again astrologers might lessen up a little.

A worth living Experience - F.R.I.E.N.D.S....

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10 years, over 10 million viewers, and infinite timeless moments...

A show that can just happen once. A response that can never be predicted and a cast that can never be neglected. FRIENDS was a show that made history making people laugh,cry and showed most of all, represented what actually love and friendship is.

Six people living in Manhattan, struggling in their lives , in their work, in their love, but the thing which kept them going was their friendship, their friends.

Chandler Bing , Rachel Green , Ross Gellar , Monica Gellar(Bing), Joey Tribianni and Phobe Buffay. Six names who had all the elements to keep up a perfect group of people who touched all events of our lives.

It is a show, which is worth keeping and reliving again and again. I have all of its seasons on my computer. I must have seen each episode over 50 times but every time I turn it on , it's a new experience all over again.

Any one in this world who wants see what real love , real relations and what real friends are... HAS TO GO WATCH FRIENDS!!!!!!!!

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